Something about random word: Over


The goal: #7 – Close my eyes, pick a word from the dictionary and write something what includes that word.

All my writings are a bunch of random words, what makes this one different? I have picked a word OVER. So here we go. Game over!











Ah. That was a quick one, right? May be a little too quick. I have not cOVERed any topic so far and this is neither much fun nor fair challenge. Especially when the woverd has so many meanings. So let me take you over my today random article to have it over us.

I may have overdone a few things. Maybe a little more than a few. Well, frankly a lot of! After each and single one I had to overcome the results of my hastiness and impatience. Sometimes it resulted in small things, like a hangover, but other results were the tough ones. Like the one I have put my lust over my common sense and then there was my first marriage. My first wife told me once, that I chose her, ‚cause she shagged me over once I have returned from military service. I think she over-exaggerated and I deny any of my overlookings she had implied. Nowadays I am a calm man looking over his own stuff and carefully avoiding disturbances.

You, who have met me, must agree. Over!